About the project

ETHOS HUB is a Child and family Support Centre based in Greece providing support for children and family in different sectors, including psychologists, special education teachers, speech , occupational therapists and play therapists, offering:
- (i) Psychological support (children, teenagers, adults, family); (ii) Consultancy; (iii) Speech therapy services; (iv) Special teacher services; (v) Occupational services; (vi) Treatment groups; (vii) Holistic health treatment and quality life monitoring, vii)inclusive sport programmes
- Empirical literature surveys and scientific approaches, both in the field and in our HUB are continuously examined by our team to investigate interdependencies and effects on the way several daily activities influence human to human interactions and individuals.

HORIZON, CENTER OF RESEARCH, TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION is an non-governmental non-for-profit organization which was founded in 2014 in Athens. Its main objective is through science, policy projects and the design of innovative practices to contribute to a better world in terms of a sustainable economic development, the protection of the environment and well-being. HORIZON’s projects extend to strategic issues for the development of social entrepreneurship, institutional organization, networking and training of staff in the field of civil society. HORIZON’s actions are designed to provide local government and civil society organizations with applied innovative proposals and methodologies to tackle problems such as social exclusion, unemployment, environmental degradation and other social problems.

Since 1998, MUSOL has been working with the local governments with the aim of strengthening the capacity of the local stakeholders and their roles in the local development. According to its mission, MUSOL promotes the right to a decent life and the sustainable development of the most disadvantaged populations, developing and strengthening the capacities of the regional and local governments as well as the European, African and Latin American civil societies. MUSOL was founded by a group of chief executives of the public sector, most of them town clerks. MUSOL has MoU with the Union of Local Authority Chief Executives of Europe (UDITE, a permanent observer of the European Council), the professional association of Spanish local public administration town clerks, treasurers and internal auditors (COSITAL), the Valencian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FVMP) and the Balearic Federation of Local Governments (FELIB).

Municipality of Acharnes is located in Attica Region and has a population of more than 116.000 according to 2011 census. The Municipality has a big number of directorates, departments and cooperating municipal organisations covering every aspect of citizens’ life, however the ones relevant to the project are the following:
- the Directorate for Social Policy, is responsible for the design and implementation of social policy, gender equality policy, for the protection and promotion of public health and ensuring equal opportunities for access to goods and services for all -the Directorate of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth
- the "Municipal Care of Acharnes" - "DIFA" which is a organisation supervised by the Municipality. This organisation is responsible, among other responsibilities, for activities targeting children and focusing to their wellbeing and social development.